Thursday, October 31, 2013

Brief Review of Mega Man 42

You can get it here (his most recent post at the time of this).

As always I try to give some positive points and negative points about the project:

-Custom controls (even if I can't get them to work properly for some reason)
-Some of the music is good but a lot of it sounds like it would fit better in Mega Man DOS.

-Slow as heck.  Some levels moved at a snails pace.  This is mainly due to the mechanics of the levels.  Zombie Man's level is a great example of this.
-Default controls:  No idea why would they be laid out in that manner.  
-Some parts totally make no sense.  If I shoot something you'd expect it to fly the direction away from the shot if I destroyed it, not directly at you.  Another example is in Zombie Man's level with the Zombie bots.  I got killed by one when I shot it and it for some nonsensical reason flew right at me instead of away like the rest of the zombies.
-Lackluster in design.  I didn't feel anything 'Mega Man' like from this game except for the later tracks of the game.  

Overall I felt it was a good attempt at a fan game but it seemed to lack a lot of things.  Overall I would recommend giving it a try and maybe you would enjoy it yet its Mega Man DOS like feeling.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I have finally unsubscribed AlphaOmegaSin

This video:

I found this to be the last straw in misleading videos as I get very frustrated when information is mispresented and the "unthinkers" spread that false information around causing damage to businesses and products.  He talks about content that is a bonus and is even more free stuff for those who pre-order like people are paying money for it.  People buy (at least should) games for the game itself and his rant about DLC seems completely pointless.  Sonic Lost World was anyways planned to have an extra stage for those who pre-order it, so how exactly is this a bad thing?  He is talking like these features are all locked away on the disc when most Downloadable content is actually downloadable on the Wii U via the shop.  The extra stage was originally intended to be bonus content because it wouldn't make sense to put that stage in the game alongside the actual plot.  The last additional bonuses are clearly deals made by Sega with companies which is fine as they serve as bonuses to people who want the game and pre-order it.  In these days and ages preordering doesn't even need to be done at a store location so I don't quite follow why this is a bad thing.  I know my game is preordered via a website store, and I am more than excited to get extra free stuff because Sega decided to put that together for its fans!

Do these people not realize that games take time to make, which means for a company this costs money?  I personally find AlphaOmegaSin's videos to be very hit or miss (they used to be all hits, but it just seems now that he makes videos only to exploit news items he doesn't know much about), and this one was the last straw in my opinion for myself.  A great example is his rant about region locking localization by Nintendo yet not even knowing that is done to benefit the consumer and is not just a magic software switch on the console and passes it off as that in his video.  Now a lot of people on the Internet think this is the case yet it is clearly not as Nintendo typically listens to its base (with few exceptions) and they usually want to make money on things.  It annoys me when people make misleading videos and then spread information as if it were true when it is not.  

This is why I have unsubscribed him.  His videos have lost credibility in my opinion as somebody who cares about reliable information being presented to the public.