Thursday, September 13, 2012

My thoughts on the Wii U pricing

I made a video about this:
Have a beautiful day!

D R Page

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My recollections of a lunatic in my past who knows no morality

Good Afternoon everybody!

WARNING:  This is a lecture towards a really bad person, with entirely rational reasons to say such things for this topic on my part.  I normally do not like writing in this style, but I believe somebody is stalking my blog entries, who likes to talk 'shit' about me outside of the internet, so I feel they need a message from somebody 'bigger' than them in terms of intelligence, physical appearance, mental sanity, and caring heart.  You can really just think of this as no different than telling a kid not to walk across the street.  That is the mood I was intending since I believe this person should not be talking in such ways about good hearted people who really did a lot more than they like to claim so that people in her present situation don't isolate or remove her.  With this being the case, this is a personal entry, that intends to keep confidentiality.

  I felt like writing about something a bit more personal this time, as more of a stance against the evils in the world, mainly people who come in fake glasses to our peers, which do have ignorance, intolerance, selfishness, and self-destruction in mind.  In particular this is relating to a comment I have discussed in the past, but I feel I need to emphasize the following, and the value of life.  For the sake of confidentiality and not destroying their entire reputation (I'm a good guy like that), I will not be mentioning names, but only speak the Truth.  As a scientist I value truth over self-delusion, which this person employs to manipulate the people she cares about, even if she doesn't even consciously believe so.

So let me begin:
    • Listen, if you wish to post your own delusions, make it clear you aren't talking about real people.  People who you address do infact catch your abusive paths, and I recommend stopping if you wish to continue your career path if you think this is a good tactic.  Helping people doesn't imply manipulation.  It will end up people who go to you will be helped by good people like me, and the good people in this world, which isn't a good incentive for you.  Doesn't matter if it is me, or anybody else, you should respect what people GIVE you generously.  You ever wonder why you have earned a reputation of being a psycho abusive girl who stalks, rapes, and mistreats men?  It's because you don't value the golden rule.  You have been given so much, the last thing you deserve is to assert truth about things you don't even comprehend about relationships.  If he needs references, I can be a good one, and I am certain I can give you a couple of the people she claims are 'stalkers' or 'just friends' that you probably heard a twisted story about.  She's nuts buddy, run for the hills (laughs)!
    • Comparing people is bogus if you make things up.  You should tell your boyfriend the facts for example.  He is nothing compared to me for  in the modest of senses example, but I'm sure he's a decent human being who has normal human goals for self progress.  It's not something arrogant to say, I maybe know only a small select people I can tell you are people I can respect as people who do the same caliber of work, charity, and good hearted care as me.  I'm sure he'd love to hear how you cheated on me, and took advantage of me, and abused, stalked, and manipulated me.  Just because you are a girl doesn't mean you aren't capable of these things.  Don't lie, be honest, you should know these things.  The last thing you need to do is abuse another guy because you told them nothing about your past or made up your past to cover your own faults.  These things can come up and bite you hard (big time), which is why you have me personally writing this to you, since you are nothing even compared to me, and my accomplishments OR even as a human being you speck.  Normal people like the people you even see on the streets have the same for themselves.  You are driven by your own motives, not the care of others.  Anything to make yourself look better is how you roll, you don't personally go out to go beyond people such as me to help others.  
    • Making sacrifices is a big part of life, and you little missy have a lot to learn about this before you can claim nonsense about me.  
    • You should really learn the value of life.  To openly say you would rather see a person die and not care is probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard in my life, and it is not even by the fact it is about me.  Read your words, and watch who you talk about.  It can make you look foolish in the public square.
    • This is a public space.  Keep your delusions and made up fairy tales to yourself unless you actually label it as such.
This is all I have to say, but I honestly as a person who has taught you a lot, I'm ashamed you did all the terrible things you did to me in the past, but you never seem to comprehend your own faults.  Humans develop, but if you expect others to develop around you, how will you?  You should be ashamed to call yourself a human.  Saying nonsense about people who really do make a difference in society because you have never done anything in your pitiful life?  That is pathetic.  Go do something unique that has never been done, and then you may have the intelligence to talk about people who have positively given you a lot in life correctly.

Have a beautiful day!

FYI Nobody you'll ever see will be ever as good as me as an individual.  Never ever.  Not a single one you idiotic bitch.  It just isn't scientifically possible with a nutball self-destructive sanity, and man-like figure you own.  No wonder why only guys would be with you for less than 2 weeks before me.  You got better at hiding yourself.  Just I recommend not deluding your peers when you are upset you threw away the best guy you could ever have ever obtained since he lowered his expectations to give you a chance.  Why?  Cause he is a good hearted guy, who listens, cares, and cares about truth, which you definitely do not.  

D R Page

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Updates, Research, Teaching

Hello everybody!

Research Interests

  It has been a little while since I have posted so I thought I would deliver the exciting news that I will be pursuing a pretty important problem in the fields of Approximation Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, and Computational Complexity Theory for my Master's thesis research.  This problem is called Makespan.  I cannot get into too many details at this time since I need to figure out some of the constraints I am considering and the much research and intuition ahead to devise new results in this difficult problem in any variation.

The importance of this problem:

  • Over computer systems over a long period, this can boost the speeds of CPU schedulers for systems.
  • Allow for quicker and more accurate solutions for job shop scheduling algorithms.
  • Offer more options in the literature, since this is a pretty important problem in the problem spans of Approximation Algorithms.
  • Complements parallel computing research currently done, and this is very popular right now and will have a huge influence probably in the next 10 years as parallelism is more common to the general public.
  • Many... many... many... applications (seriously, tons!)
If I am able to achieve this I will have algorithms in both discrete computation, and continuous computation scientific literature.  My goal is to influence as many branches of theoretical computer science as possible.  With new results in combinatorial generation, works in automata theory I have in the works, and if this is a success, I will be on a pretty good start to reaching this on my journey to attain my doctorate (following the steps of course) when that comes eventually.

It seems teaching is going good so far.  Apparently there is some positive buzz about me amongst the sections of the course I am teaching.  I love teaching, and I hope my students are learning new, or interesting concepts in a creative way with lots of energy to help!  
I believe to make a brighter future we don't need band-aids, we need solutions, and a good place to start is by inspiring young minds to solve new problems, and understanding the world around them. 

Everybody have a beautiful evening!

D R Page

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another random 'division' problem using the Obelus

I found this one in particular on Facebook:
Let me make this one clear very fast.  This statement does not contain your conventional division sign in it.  It contains an obelus in it.  Let us do this following the rules of algebra, but not only this, show how this problem works out if you do this the correct way most are not taught, and the way they are interpreting it.  

(1: the proper way if we assume obelus is a binary operator with two arguments, refer to my post about the obelus for more about this):
6-1x0+2(obelus)2, becomes 6-0+2 (obelus) 2, becomes 8 (obelus) 2, which is 4.  

(2: the same method, except doing the proper substitution)
(6-1x0+2)/(2), becomes (8)/(2), which is 4.

(3: the way people do it when they interpret the obelus as the full blown division operator)
6-1x0+2/2, becomes after multiplication 6-0+2/2, becomes after division 6-0+1, becomes 6+1, which is 7.

Enjoy!  Have a beautiful day!

D R Page