Thursday, October 31, 2013

Brief Review of Mega Man 42

You can get it here (his most recent post at the time of this).

As always I try to give some positive points and negative points about the project:

-Custom controls (even if I can't get them to work properly for some reason)
-Some of the music is good but a lot of it sounds like it would fit better in Mega Man DOS.

-Slow as heck.  Some levels moved at a snails pace.  This is mainly due to the mechanics of the levels.  Zombie Man's level is a great example of this.
-Default controls:  No idea why would they be laid out in that manner.  
-Some parts totally make no sense.  If I shoot something you'd expect it to fly the direction away from the shot if I destroyed it, not directly at you.  Another example is in Zombie Man's level with the Zombie bots.  I got killed by one when I shot it and it for some nonsensical reason flew right at me instead of away like the rest of the zombies.
-Lackluster in design.  I didn't feel anything 'Mega Man' like from this game except for the later tracks of the game.  

Overall I felt it was a good attempt at a fan game but it seemed to lack a lot of things.  Overall I would recommend giving it a try and maybe you would enjoy it yet its Mega Man DOS like feeling.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I have finally unsubscribed AlphaOmegaSin

This video:

I found this to be the last straw in misleading videos as I get very frustrated when information is mispresented and the "unthinkers" spread that false information around causing damage to businesses and products.  He talks about content that is a bonus and is even more free stuff for those who pre-order like people are paying money for it.  People buy (at least should) games for the game itself and his rant about DLC seems completely pointless.  Sonic Lost World was anyways planned to have an extra stage for those who pre-order it, so how exactly is this a bad thing?  He is talking like these features are all locked away on the disc when most Downloadable content is actually downloadable on the Wii U via the shop.  The extra stage was originally intended to be bonus content because it wouldn't make sense to put that stage in the game alongside the actual plot.  The last additional bonuses are clearly deals made by Sega with companies which is fine as they serve as bonuses to people who want the game and pre-order it.  In these days and ages preordering doesn't even need to be done at a store location so I don't quite follow why this is a bad thing.  I know my game is preordered via a website store, and I am more than excited to get extra free stuff because Sega decided to put that together for its fans!

Do these people not realize that games take time to make, which means for a company this costs money?  I personally find AlphaOmegaSin's videos to be very hit or miss (they used to be all hits, but it just seems now that he makes videos only to exploit news items he doesn't know much about), and this one was the last straw in my opinion for myself.  A great example is his rant about region locking localization by Nintendo yet not even knowing that is done to benefit the consumer and is not just a magic software switch on the console and passes it off as that in his video.  Now a lot of people on the Internet think this is the case yet it is clearly not as Nintendo typically listens to its base (with few exceptions) and they usually want to make money on things.  It annoys me when people make misleading videos and then spread information as if it were true when it is not.  

This is why I have unsubscribed him.  His videos have lost credibility in my opinion as somebody who cares about reliable information being presented to the public.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A laughably embarrassing experience at RockmanPM

So I thought I'd take a step back onto RockmanPM to make a post to expose Mega Man Eternal to those who have not encountered it yet, and almost all the threads were all complaining about "fan game" posters advertising their projects.  I felt very discouraged to even go there as the last time I went on there I was immediately insulted by somebody who clearly needed to get a life that I didn't even know.

I had my 2 cents for these individuals, but hopefully some on RockmanPM will be able to learn more about this project and get on the wagon for the release.  Last time I checked a forum is a place where people can discuss topics and present new topics.  Clearly MME had not been discussed there at all (I searched it) so I wanted to get some people who had not left the RockmanPM bubble to notice a longstanding project that they may not have seen before.  On a thread about a fan game which should be discussing the game it was almost 95% comprised of people complaining about fan game makers posting in the fan game section their fan game (you know there is such a thing as Logical statements, and you tell me if that didn't seem sensible lol).  It was an obvious case of jealousy by some, while others defended the post (which I commend) but such shouldn't be happening on a forum.  That's the job of a moderator.  As somebody who has run numerous forums in the past, I found the way posters who had been there for a while reacted to be very condescending and quite rude to new visitors to that forum.  Also, I found it quite illogical to be focusing on bantering about a fan game post in the fan game section instead of discussing the game which one actually did, while the others just either trolled it or complained about something irrelevant.

You may see why I think RockmanPM is ridiculous, and why I normally don't traverse forums and stick to my blog (here), journals, or making YouTube videos.  That was easily the most embarrassing experience on the part of a forum I have ever seen.

If you want to take a look at the ridiculousness ( ), and my response to these people where I effectively "put them in their place".  

Have a beautiful day!

On a better note:  I finished writing my lectures for my teaching Saturday evening, I think it is on the order of about 200 pages of notes.  So if anybody would like me to make videos on analysis of algorithms (topics in this), I would be more than happy to do so.

DR Page

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mega Man Unlimited Review

Good Afternoon!

  The following is a brief explanation of my thoughts on this game.  

-Great design.  I really liked the levels in terms of their visual look and some of the enemies.
-Robot Masters:  Pretty cool designs, but sadly I was only able to actually get to one Robot Master Battle so I cannot say much about that.
-Music was fun.
-It was clear they were trying to replicate the NES experience which I think they did a good job with.

-No charge blaster (always a negative if its taking place after MM4 in the series).  That is all.
-Level design:  I felt the levels had a continuous pattern of having a 'hickup' right before the mid point of the levels which makes it very discouraging to continue playing.  I would have fun playing them all the sudden some random gimmick of the level would throw off the flow of the level and cause me to die immediately.  A great example of this is either in Trinitro Man's stage where you have the platforms which fly up when in the liquid into the spikes making it very hard to get across (I never could).  Another good example is Tank Man's stage with the treadmills on the ceiling (I didn't even notice them until it happened and I died).  It was too many times where I would be telling my girlfriend "This level is great, I think it runs smoothly" then all the sudden something just changes completely and I die quite quickly.
-Suffers from MMX6 syndrome:  Too many spikes.  Putting spikes everywhere shouldn't be an excuse for making cleverly difficult levels.
-Suffers from Mega Man 2 like gameplay:  This is related to the first point.  It feels like the levels throw cheap shots at you that you could never prepare for.  A great example is Rainbow Man's stage.  In the first room you fall into it gives you the indication that these channel flippers can be moved to change their directions, but then the very next room uses it in a way that doesn't allow you to take your time like in the previous room, forcing you to die "Quick Man"--like.  Now, some may enjoy this, but I do not.
-Robot Master Battles:  Now like I said I cannot say much as I tried my hardest but the level design was too cheap to get further.  I fought Tank Man and he really has this one attack that makes it seem like he will ride across the chamber, but he doesn't sometimes which throws your expectations off.  Now it seemed they were trying to go for a more predictive RM fight, but then it is not.  Its kind of like getting a chocolate cake then getting it shoved in your face for no reason.  I did enjoy the work that went into what I have seen whether it be the mid boss fights or the robot masters from what I saw.

OVERALL:  I think it is a great addition to the fan games in the community.  It's too "cheap" (in terms of deaths) for my tastes but some may say that about my work so it may be just a matter of taste of "how" it is done.  I would highly recommend it to everybody to try it!  It's not my kind of fan game as it is like MM2 and MM9 (which I do not like) but it definitely shows the hard work put in.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I thought I would share some of the older event "music videos" from the past few years (2009-2011).  It saddens me I likely won't do another event (it would be great if I could (mainly need more wrestlers)).  If you have not lingered around my YouTube channel enough to check these out, I encourage you to!  I started doing this kind of stuff back in 2004, and there are more events that do exist by me.

EWF Clash (2009):  [link]  
EWF Breakout 2010 (2010): [link]
EWF Rite of the Ring 2011 (2011):  [link]



Monday, April 1, 2013

One postulated problem with the future of CS research these days

Good Afternoon Everybody!

  Today I thought I would share one of my urks of amateur researchers that don't grasp the purpose of science.  Some people just don't grasp that science isn't about if there is an application for a result.  Today I was giving a pretty solid presentation on a new result in the area of Graph Drawing and somebody insisted on asking me:

"Are there any applications for this?"

Now I don't blame the person if this wasn't A THEORY course.  Do you know what that means?  We do real Computer Science, none of this programming mumbo-jumbo.  Real computer scientists don't solve problems just for applications in my honest opinion.  A great scientist doesn't consider applications in their research.  They consider solving the problem, and verifying the claims being made.  Applications are best set by engineers, or people who work on applications (say industry).  I humbly believe this is one of the major problems with the direction CS research is going.  People think application, applications and more applications instead of what we could show 20-30 years down the road to continue the path set by the foundations of CS.  In science we shouldn't be thinking "we solve problems for NOW".  We should be developing and solving problems for NOW and the future.

Everybody have a beautiful day!

D R Page

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A challenge to, a lecture for you


All I need to say is you need to grow a spine, and read what you write a little more carefully.  As a former fan of yours, you are nothing more than an immature illogical bantering pig now.  Beauty dies with your insecurity, and lack of intelligence to distinguish common language from offense.  You have shown you do not using basic reasoning in your points.  You flip out on people giving you very reasonable things, and demand sympathy from people who don't even read the entirety of your posts.  Also, may I add you cherry pick your own words to insult others.  This is a trivial informal fallacy to commit.  For instance, I recently read your post about confessionsofafeedee and they truly disgust me as you are entirely playing your audience like idiots.  You didn't even address the very fact she was addressing the sexist points you made about the fellow who actually complimented you!

  Now, when I say this I do not have a problem with you thoughts of what words insult you, you just need to grow a basic backbone.  You conduct business on the internet, and post publicly.  You need a backbone when you do this or you can take a serious toll on your psyche.  I know this because I am a YouTube partner and a public figure who deals with all walks of fans and dismisses from people.   What that person did to you was a complete natural reaction for some psychopath flipping out on him.  The fact you have shown your sexist side is something I sympathize for you about as you can really segregate your entire audience if you continue your delusional escapades.  As a person who conducts himself as a mentor, educator of science, and businessman, I have been evaluating your posts as such, and offer this as a reply to you as a whole.

Grow a backbone, you live in a country where females and males have equal rights.  This is coming from a fellow Canadian who has been oppressed by women who have abused him.  I love how feminists deny the existence of people like me.  I'm the counter-example to everything modern feminists claim don't happen to men.  I've been raped, abused, and treated unequally in the work place for being a man.  Don't commit misandry or people who are obviously brighter than you will call you on such.  To throw such labels at people who cared to even compliment you even.  All I know as a person with a sane brain, the guy who you attacked on your blog was complimenting you and maybe wanted to get to know you a little (hard to say how much).

If you do employ any feminist type of argument (i.e., all of them from rape apologist, to sexist, , all such have the consequence of committing the slippery slope fallacy.  Those are not valid arguments.  And I do not accept such as well formed valid sentences even the most basic form of logic.  Now, these are not to be confused with egalitarian arguments, which are positive arguments for the equal rights of people within the specific scopes of ones' culture.

With that out of the way.  I have a simple challenge for you JuicyJackie, or to any feminist.  Prove mathematically with second-order predicate calculus or a Turing Machine-complete language that your claims are valid and no such invalid statement exists in your dogmatic thinking or feelings.  I conjecture such is impossible to do (I will tell you ahead of time that this is trivial to prove) as it would immediately infer that women are more important than men, which is immediately invalid as it would contradict the premise that both sexes are equally as important.  So you know that axiom is out of your arsenal, which almost all feminist or sexist points (on either side) always use.  Any rational person would want some justification for their beliefs.  If not, you must be delusional.  This goes to any feminist (i.e., people who think exclusively feminism is the way to go, instead of egalitarianism (as logically these are not the same (trivial to show using set theory))).

Now if you dismiss this point as nothing, then you must not care much about science.  Rational people use rational reasons to justify their beliefs or what they say.  To deny something scientific is to just simply flat out deny the whole process as they were all demonstrated or even mathematically proven in the same manner.  One cannot simply cherry pick around such a trivial logical result.  To do so is anti-scientific.  As a scientist, I find this is not genuine to do, and that person should stop using anything validated by the same process if they dismiss something because it conflicts with their beliefs (yet being true).  Seeing as my heroes, predecessors and contemporaries even made it possible to say such things and have access to the Internet, or even construct the mathematical marvel of computation.

My simple lesson:  Treat people as people, not by their sex.  Don't make assumptions unless you know they have been demonstrated to be true in the first place.  For instance, I know you do not have the scientific training I do, so I have a high suspicion on first instinct of reading this you will just dismiss me as something I am not at all.  I'm a non-judgmental person whom would not even harm a single person and even I had to stand up and say this.  Educate yourself about the universe, and you may find yourself more enlightened about even your own culture or location on the planet.

Have a beautiful day!

D R Page