I had my 2 cents for these individuals, but hopefully some on RockmanPM will be able to learn more about this project and get on the wagon for the release. Last time I checked a forum is a place where people can discuss topics and present new topics. Clearly MME had not been discussed there at all (I searched it) so I wanted to get some people who had not left the RockmanPM bubble to notice a longstanding project that they may not have seen before. On a thread about a fan game which should be discussing the game it was almost 95% comprised of people complaining about fan game makers posting in the fan game section their fan game (you know there is such a thing as Logical statements, and you tell me if that didn't seem sensible lol). It was an obvious case of jealousy by some, while others defended the post (which I commend) but such shouldn't be happening on a forum. That's the job of a moderator. As somebody who has run numerous forums in the past, I found the way posters who had been there for a while reacted to be very condescending and quite rude to new visitors to that forum. Also, I found it quite illogical to be focusing on bantering about a fan game post in the fan game section instead of discussing the game which one actually did, while the others just either trolled it or complained about something irrelevant.
You may see why I think RockmanPM is ridiculous, and why I normally don't traverse forums and stick to my blog (here), journals, or making YouTube videos. That was easily the most embarrassing experience on the part of a forum I have ever seen.
If you want to take a look at the ridiculousness (forum.rockmanpm.com/index.php?... ), and my response to these people where I effectively "put them in their place".
Have a beautiful day!
On a better note: I finished writing my lectures for my teaching Saturday evening, I think it is on the order of about 200 pages of notes. So if anybody would like me to make videos on analysis of algorithms (topics in this), I would be more than happy to do so.
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