Sunday, November 4, 2012

Heads up of possible inactivity for the next month

Good Evening Everybody!

  I just wanted to ensure everybody knows if you do not see any posts from me for the next month, just assume I am occupied with graduate school projects.  On a positive note I figured out another interesting result in constructions using integer compositions and loop-less algorithms.  I normally am good at pacing myself, but you may see a post from me in the near future.

Have a beautiful evening!

D R Page

Saturday, November 3, 2012

If I had a Level in a Game

Good Evening!

  I thought I would throw a random blog entry at you for once.  This is one I recommend trying yourself, but it is quite simple:
Image if you were a boss in a video game.  What would be the music to your level?  What would be the boss theme of you?
Now when you imagine this, it doesn't have to be you exactly, but the point here I want you to use your creative caps to ponder about this.  Do not pick very stereotypical choices from popular games, have reasons for them.  Describe what kind of level it would be (if you are not sure, just give it, and proceed without description).  Make your level music suitable for the boss theme, and vice-versa.  Also you cannot be a final boss.

Level theme: Wonder Panorama (Mega Man ZX)
The reason I selected this tune is due to its beautiful but eloquent construction.  It could depict an arctic night time level in a beautifully star-lit sky with a futuristic-like city.

Boss theme:  Diablon (Shadow the Hedgehog)

Everybody have a beautiful day!

D R Page