Saturday, August 22, 2009

Going from Existential to Universal, the dangers of Delusion when Wrong

Hello everybody,

I felt like reflecting a quick post on something I seem to notice. Why do people seem to always persist in delusions that could be classified as universal quantifier as opposed to existential quantifiers?

I of course don't mean the typical questions of does one particular thing exists. Those are the bearing of the person to demonstrate or prove but, I mean when a body of people take an existential quantifier and bring it into the universal quantifiers status. For instance, one would say a single ghost may exist and that would be something for someone to prove (yet the neuroscientific data we have contradicts the existence of ghosts since they seem to be human delusions but, let's ignore that for the sake of demonstration) but, they wish to assert not just one ghost exists but, ghosts of all kinds exist like they were a realm of their own that is a part of our universe (making it a universal quantifier). Or for example that God exists and is everywhere. Taking concepts of existential things and making them universal concepts.

Makes me ponder why they would do this. It definitely makes disproving them way easier than if they were existential. Like it's fairly clear we can't assume spiritual realms and the supernatural exist since they contradict the observations of nature since yet we know much... there is little to none suggesting that there is some supernatural force out there. Of course there is much out there to be explained but, invoking something we can't understand makes little sense when we have numerous methods to naturally. It is safe to assume the supernatural doesn't exist since we are in a natural universe. It's like throwing an element that is not relating to a set U into U for the heck of it when they are completely unrelated so that U1 intersection Unew is not an empty set.

I feel some either don't know how far these assumptions can be but, it is definitely clear it helps them make their message clear when they jump to this level of assumption from existential to universal. It is fairly clear it makes it easier for people to understand yet it's illogical and fairly dangerous nature. Considering there are a fair number of people who may for instance assume say something like alien abductions may exist or that the spiritual realm can be used for medical purposes when these are all delusions. If a delusion is brought to this quantifier it can be quite dangerous if gone unverified or contradicted by science since it gives uneducated people a reason to be convinced they exist since it is a 'universal' level statement. For instance, one may say ohh I'm not sure if God exists but, I'm sure since someone may claim a supernatural realm exists that it is more believable when neither is valid nor scientific.

I just always find it interesting to observe numerous examples, even including things that conflict with modern systems like medical which the public get confused between normal medical science and alternative medicine. Just the label of 'for any', or 'for all' really sounds like a guarantee to the public yet it's lack of a spine in practice. This includes God, gods, ghosts, paranormal supernatural, and other superstitious delusions to our common knowledge thus far but, we can only say I don't know to some of these but, majority are debunked. Till we have the knowledge to approach them can we assert anything but, based on modern knowledge these can't be accepted universally. Just I find it humourous when people bring these existential concepts into universal quantifier territory for us scientifically literate people to debunk them so quickly since a universal quantifier is for 'for all' or 'for any' when an existential quantifier is 'there exists' or 'for some'.

The basic lesson of this entry is that assertions beyond a non-valid claim are dangerous but, so easy to disprove when you have the knowledge. The key is to distinguish these fallacies and idiotic claims about the supernatural from the real and informative data we have about our universe. It is that simple. We have science, logical reasoning, mathematics (yet all of these are science but, to spread them out better), and they are our greatest tools, make us of them!

Have a beautiful day!

All the best!

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