Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Split Minded Delusional

Sorry for the Delay

It has been quite a while since I have posted on my blog, so I apologize to any readers, expect entries on an eventful basis.  

My Research

I have been rather successful in my field on publishing my new algorithm [].  It unifies a couple decades worth of generalizations in the field of generating integer compositions.  I will be submitting some work on a context-free grammar I have cooked up a while back to better analyze my algorithm.  It has interesting applications in parsing, and efficient space-complexity for practical use.

Following this, I will be taking a bit of side step into a further generalization of my specialization in Theoretical Computer Science under the supervision of my adviser for my graduate studies.  My goal is to make the world a better place by solving problems which will strengthen what we know, and use it to solve problems us as human beings have to encounter with the technology we have at hand.  Whether it be with computers, or feeding less fortunate countries, or turning around the economics of countries, optimization and hard problems are what we need to solve.
  To enlighten and change, we must not put a band-aid on problems whether it be the flawed social services our social workers perpetuate, or the social taboos we as a society have placed to cover up unsolved problems.  We as a society must abandon pseudoscience, or anything really which holds us back to cover up a band-aid to progress.  We don't need band-aids, we need surgeons to fix the wounds that keep opening.  I believe the basis of all mathematics can lend itself to understand and tackle these problems.

Now onto track

As somebody likes to try to comprehend the reasoning of others.  I merely do so as a scientist and educator, to help them learn and comprehend an argument, or the facts placed in front of them.  I always find it interesting when you encounter a person which has a lack or insufficient propensity to help others, or guides or shrouds themselves in an identity they themselves cannot fill.  Whether it be a 'new age' artsy fellow, a science fan who claims they know more than they actually do, a young filmmaker who claims to be George Lucas, a programmer who claims to be a computer scientist, or even an individual who claims they are one thing, but cover this with lies to hide their sadness.  I pity such people when they have no rational reason to hold such confidence in their abilities, and often times I will have to encounter them directly.  In these types of discussions, their common argument patterns will fit the following form:
  1. (The individual)I'm right.
  2. (The individual) You're closed minded, and can't think outside of the box.
  3. (The individual) An attack, and blame for action.
  4. (Yourself) [tries to explain the actual matter]
  5. (The individual) Doesn't matter because I'm 'x', and that's 'y'.
  6. (Yourself) Explains that is not how to support a position, and explains the actual matter once again.
  7. Repeat (1), if the not halted.
I find such direct chains common with individuals who I often will think of as 'split minded delusional', or an individual who maybe is a little cocky about their own abilities, or possibly has something wrong mentally with them.  As an educator, I believe such people can be a problem with others who wish to improve and understand directly.  To learn from an educator, one must be able to bring themselves to the same level as the educator, and his/her peers.  Whether it be a discussion, or trying to convince others, it all comes back to logic.  Sadly, such people do not employ a rational mindset due to their lack of education or understanding of mathematics to employ logic.
  I really ask myself, why do they insist putting on this show?  I believe it is simple, they have something to hide in some form.  Whether it be a lack of talent for profit, or psychological, or neurological, or any feature possible, we should try to be as openly critical about ourselves as we are to others.  In a world where we need to improve it, it will not be such attitudes which bring us a better age, it will be people who learn and understand.

Have a beautiful day!

D R Page

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